• Perhaps the best part of his coaching, besides his carefully listening and helping me think through sometimes heavy matters, is the way he pairs the issues of the day with the Gospel.

    Pastor Caleb Smith
    Thousand Oaks Presbyterian Church

    Full Testimonial
  • I can’t begin to describe the impact Paul’s coaching has had on me personally and as a minister . . . Although I have been in ministry for more than two decades, through Paul’s gifted coaching, I feel reinvigorated and as excited as I was on day one.

    Pastor Jason Matossian, PhD
    The Mount Bible Church

    Full Testimonial
  • One distinctive about Paul is his genuine goodwill and encouraging attitude . . . Paul is completely dedicated to the success of others.

    Minister Sam Peters
    Madrid Church of Christ

    Full Testimonial
  • Having Paul as a coach has been transformative for me as a pastor . . . I have not just gained practical ministry skills but also have grown deeper in my faith journey.

    Pastor Leonard Tan
    First Evangelical Community Church

    Full Testimonial
  • Truthfully, I’m surprised at how quickly progress has been made through coaching with Paul.

    Pastor Jason Park
    King's Church

    Full Testimonial
  • Paul not only helped me understand myself and what the Lord was doing in me, he also did it in such a way that was personal and particular to me.

    Pastor Erick Loh
    Community Christian Alliance Church

    Full Testimonial

Paul D Kim

My name is Paul. I’ve been in full-time pastoral ministry for over 29 years as an assistant pastor, lead pastor, and I’m currently helping to plant Providence Church in Woodland Hills. Along the way, I’ve experienced sweet joys and painful struggles. I also had a “gospel revolution” that transformed my preaching, my philosophy of ministry, and my personal relationship with Jesus. To state the obvious, pastors are human—they need the gospel, and they need to be pastored. Coaching has been a way for me to be a pastor to pastors.

I’ve been happily married to my wife Janette for 23 years, enjoy spending time with my four sons, listening to podcasts and audiobooks, exploring different restaurants, and staying fit.

I'm ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America, received my M.Div. and D.Min. from Missio Seminary and Th.M. from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia). I’m the Director of Coaching for City to City Los Angeles, certified with Creative Results Management’s Coaching Mastery Certificate Program, and am an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation.

What is Coaching and
Why Should A Pastor Get A Coach?

There are so many challenges and pressures of pastoral ministry.

  • 50% of pastors feel so discouraged they’d leave ministry if they could find another job.
  • 80% of pastors will not be in ministry after 10 years.
  • 91% of pastors have experienced some form of burn out. 18% say its extreme.
  • 70% of pastors fight depression.
  • 70% do not have someone they consider a close friend.
  • 77% feel they do not have a good marriage.[1]

These statistics pre-date the COVID pandemic. A recent Barna report (April, 2022) says that 42% of pastors have seriously considered quitting full-time ministry within the past year. The three main drivers are stress, loneliness, and political division. [2]

Pastors need support, and one powerful resource is coaching. Coaches help pastors identify and discover their needs, priorities, and strategies. They’re not consultants who give answers. Coaches help pastors expand their own thinking to gain clarity, insight, and direction. Coaching helps people achieve their goals and accomplish their mission.

Against pastoral loneliness and isolation, coaches provide a confidential and safe place for the pastor to feel seen, heard, and understood. Coaches are an outside 3rd party who can help the pastors process their thoughts, feelings, and hearts. Coaches look for what God is doing, not just through a pastor, but in a pastor. As an experienced outside 3rd party, coaches can also offer a fresh perspective on ministry issues.

Pastors feel the constant pressure to perform, to gain approval, to prove their worth, even to compete. Pastors need the gospel for their own hearts! Unfortunately, there are very few places where pastors are invited and challenged to personally consider how Jesus confronts their idols and brings deeper freedom, joy, and worship. Coaching can be one of those places.

Pastors often have a budget for professional development, which usually gets spent on books and conferences. Despite good content and good intentions, lessons often don’t get implemented or only make minimal impact. Old habits are hard to break, systems are hard to change, and there is always the tyranny of the urgent. What is lacking is not content but intentional reflection, processing, planning and accountability, which is what coaching facilitates.

Church Smart Resources says, “Every study we have done shows that church leaders will do a better job leading their church to health if they have a coach who comes alongside to encourage them, ask questions, offer resources and hold them accountable.” Ed Stetzer says coaching increases a church’s survival by 135%. One study of executive coaching showed a 400% increase in the effectiveness of training when paired with coaching.[3]

You can multiply a pastor's effectiveness and support personal health. Consider making an investment in yourself or your pastor with coaching!

[1] https://www.soulshepherding.org/pastors-under-stress

[2] https://www.barna.com/research/pastors-well-being

[3] Gerald Olivero, K. Denise Bane, and Richard E. Kopelman, “Executive Coaching as a Transfer Training Tool: Effects on Productivity in a Public Agency,” Public Personnel Management 26, no. 4 (Winter 1997): 461–469.

Coaching Topics

Paul has helped pastors explore topics like how to

  • process deep anxiety over relational conflict, desire for approval, and finding identity in ministry
  • apply the gospel to their personal, inner stories
  • deal with exhaustion and find restoration
  • process a fear of failure and find permission to take risks
  • recognize personal limits, clarify priorities, and learn to say, “No”
  • serve their spouses and disciple their kids
  • shift from a “one-man show” to an organized, empowered team around a mission
  • identify an authentic leadership style (directive vs. collaborative) while processing criticism
  • develop a discipleship plan for their church
  • prepare for becoming an independent church with elder training and a membership process
  • discern whether a ministry context is a long-term fit, and if not, explore what would be a good fit

360 Reviews

How much honest feedback do you receive?

“Who can discern his errors?” (Psalm 19:12). “The heart is deceptive above all things” (Jeremiah 17:9). Power dynamics, cultural differences, non-confrontational personalities, or cautious sensitivities often create barriers to vital, honest feedback.

Paul offers personalized 360 reviews that invite honest and confidential feedback from close associates to surface hidden issues and missed opportunities. He’ll provide a report to help the pastor identify areas for personal development. He’ll then provide coaching to build a healthier culture and improve the pastor’s effectiveness.

Getting Started

Coaching sessions are about an hour, two to three weeks apart, on Zoom. You can have a complimentary coaching session for us to meet and see what coaching is like. Let’s get started!

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